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日本自動車殿堂 研究・選考会議
議長 鈴木 一義

日本自動車殿堂は2001年の設立以来、殿堂者(殿堂入り)の方々は、第一期の14年間で70名になりました。しかし各自動車企業(乗用車分野)の社史などによれば、例えば、トヨタ自動車株式会社「梅原半二」「豊田英二」「中村健也」、日産自動車株式会社「石原 俊」「正木健二」「塙 義一」、本田技研工業株式会社「河島喜好」「田上勝俊」、スズキ株式会社「内山久男」「鈴木俊三」、マツダ株式会社「黒田 堯」「村尾時之助」、三菱自動車工業株式会社「舘 豊夫」「中村裕一」、ダイハツ工業株式会社「岡 実康」「藤井 保久」、富士重工業株式会社「吉田孝雄」「秋山良雄」(敬称略)らの尊い業績が記されており、またトラック・バスそして自動車部品企業などを含めた自動車産業、自動車の学術・文化の分野においても、多くの先人たちが優れた足跡を残しておられます。


Kazuyoshi Suzuki
Chairman of the Selection Committee
Japan Automotive Hall of Fame

Number of the inductees in the rst period of the JAHFA activity has been summed up to seventy since the inauguration of the JAHFA in 2001.
However, according to the history of companies and other documents we can see not a few persons who had recorded remarkable establishments, but they had not been inducted into the JAHFA, nevertheless. Forinstance,concerningpassengercarproduction,theyare“HanjiUmehara”“,EijiToyoda”and
“Kenya Nakamura” of Toyota Motor Corporation, “Takashi Ishihara”, “Kenji Masaki” and “Yoshikazu Hanawa”of Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.,“Kiyoshi Kawashima”and“Katsutoshi Tagami”
of Honda Motor Co., Ltd.,“Hisao Uchiyama”and“Shunzo Suzuki”of Suzuki Motor Corporation, “Takashi Kuroda”and“Tokinosuke Murao”of Mazda Motor Corporation,“Toyoo Tate”and “HirokazuNakamura”ofMitsubishiMotorsCorporation“,SaneyasuOka”and“YasuhisaFujii”of
Daihatsu Motor Co., Ltd.“, Takao Yoshida”and“Yoshio Akiyama”of Fuji Heavy Industries Ltd. Concerning automotive technology, culture and industry including truck-bus and component production, we also see a lot of excellent predecessors who accomplished great achievements.
In the second period of the JAHFA activity commencing from 2017, we intend to strive to request those quali ed persons to be inducted through the more intent research, investigation and consultations with the selection committee and the board of directors.

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