Dr. Toshiro Seki devoted his entire life to the development and design of diesel engines. He made a distinguished contribution to the progress of CI technology in its early stages, and tutored many promising engineers in his laboratory. In recognition of these great achievements, the Japan Automotive Hall of Fame is honored to induct Dr. Toshiro Seki into the Hall of Fame.

A Buick Type 40 equipped with a 6HSD9 diesel engine.

Power and torque curves for the 6HSD9 engine.

A vehicle built by Seki’s students in the late 1960s, allowing them to gain experience.

Graduation study from 1972, with the WUV concept later used by Ford and Nissan.

Dr. Seki admiring a plaque dedicated to Rudolf Diesel, father of the diesel engine.

Dr. Seki with his wife in 1977.

Dr. Seki giving his final lecture in June 1979.

Dr. and Mrs. Seki on the day of his last lecture (June 1979).