Mr. Shotaro Kamiya foresaw the importance of overseas sales and marketing from the earliest days of the Japanese automotive industry, and worked earnestly to establish a modern philosophy in this arena. Mr. Kamiya’s business vision made a huge contribution to the Japanese automotive industry. In recognition of these great achievements, the Japan Automotive Hall of Fame is honored to induct Mr. Shotaro Kamiya into the Hall of Fame.

Toyoda Type G1 truck.

Toyoda Type AA sedan.

Toyota Type SA sedan.

Toyota Type SB truck.

Toyota’s Takaoka factory.

Toyota Publica.

First generation Toyota Corolla.

A Toyopet showroom in Tokyo.

Toyopet Crowns being offloaded in San Francisco port. These were the first Japanese cars to be exported to America.

Toyota Motor Sales started its US business in Hollywood in July 1958.

A Toyopet Crown Deluxe photographed in Los Angeles.