Using a technological philosophy of originality and social service, Mr. Isamu Hoshiko developed the first domestic mass-produced truck. With designs ranging from wood gas burners, trailer trucks, large buses and high-performance diesel engines, he made a great contribution to the progress of our automotive industry. In recognition of these great achievements, the Japan Automotive Hall of Fame is honored to induct Mr. Isamu Hoshiko into the Hall of Fame.

The TGE Type A was Japan’s first mass-produced truck. This is a 1917 model.

The TGE Type GP of 1928 converted for use on railways.

The Chiyoda Type S bus of 1932 vintage.

The Chiyoda Type FH luxury car from 1933, this one used by a military officer.

A ‘Hatsukaze’ aero-engine, which was a modified version of the Hirth HM504.

Hoshiko was heavily involved in the conversion of military vehicles for civilian use after 1945.