日本自動車殿堂の活動に寄せて 株式会社ヤナセ 代表取締役社長執行役員 𠮷田 多孝
Compliment on the Activity of Japan Automotive Hall of Fame
As a member of the automobile trade, I fully appreciate the activity of Japan Automobile Hall of Fame that is recognizing outstanding accomplishments of the pioneers who labored for the creation and development of the automotive culture and bequeathing their achievements to posterity.
Now our automotive society is moving to the era of revolution in which electric motive power, connected vehicle technology and autonomous drive control technology are penetrating and a trend that young people turn away from driving and a trend of transition from owning to sharing cars are observed in addi- tion. In order to cultivate dreams, desire, high-minded objective and creativity of young people of the next generation, I hope the activity of Japan Automobile Hall of Fame will disseminate more widely and develop more actively hereafter.
Kazutaka Yoshida
Representative Director,
President and Chief Executive Officer