トップページ日本自動車殿堂に寄せて過去を知り未来につなげる大切さ 公益社団法人 自動車技術会 元常務理事 東 雄一


過去を知り未来につなげる大切さ 公益社団法人 自動車技術会 元常務理事 東 雄一



The importance of knowing the past and connecting it to the

Today’s prosperity of our automotive industry has been built by the predecessors’ accumulation of painstaking efforts and hard-ships which are still helpful as the foundation of technology, although the details of their achievements are invisible to people in general. It is important to highlight these their valuable trea-sured achievements and this effort would set up guideposts for looking back our automotive society and definitely encourage the engineers who will bear the future of Japan’s automotive industry. I sincerely hope that many colleagues involved in the automo-tive industry will be given courage by the activity of the Japan Automotive Hall of Fame.

Yuichi Azuma
Former Executive Director
Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Inc.

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