トップページ日本自動車殿堂に寄せて未来への羅針盤としての日本自動車殿堂 独立行政法人 国立科学博物館 産業技術史資料情報センター センター長 前島 正裕


未来への羅針盤としての日本自動車殿堂 独立行政法人 国立科学博物館 産業技術史資料情報センター センター長 前島 正裕



The Japan Automobile Hall of Fame as a compass to the

Automobiles have greatly changed people’s lives. What form will they evolve into in the future? Even if we learn about the old, it may not be directly useful for the current research and develop-ment. Once someone analogically asked the following question. Can a small insect on a clock hand know that it is moving and where it is going? If there is a fixed dial, the insect could know the answer by comparing the hand with the dial. The Japan Automobile Hall of Fame can be something like a clock face, so I think that the Japan Automobile Hall of Fame must be a compass to the future.

Masahiro Maejima
Center of the History of Japanese Industrial Technology
National Museum of Nature and Science

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