トップページ日本自動車殿堂に寄せて日本自動車殿堂の活動に寄せて 学校法人芝浦工業大学 理事長 鈴見 健夫


日本自動車殿堂の活動に寄せて 学校法人芝浦工業大学 理事長 鈴見 健夫


/ 日本の自動車産業に関連する諸活動に人生を捧げた多くの先人に心からの敬意を表します。そしてその結果この国に遺された多くの偉業を次世代に伝承し、称え、受け継ぐことは誠に意義深いことです。日本自動車殿堂の活動が、産業の新たな道創りや価値の創造に寄与することを強く期待します。

I would like to express my highest respect for the pioneers who devoted their life to the activities
related to the automotive manufacturing of Japan. As the result of the pioneers’ efforts, many accomplishments have been bequeathed to this country. It is absolutely meaningful to pass on, honor and pass on great achievements to the next generation. I earnestly hope that the activities of the Japan Automotive Hall of Fame will contribute to the creation of new paths and values for the industry.
What brings solid stability in these unpredictable times is the trust of Japanese society and industry through quality backed by a proven track record. To this end, we have a responsibility to ensure that the great achievements of our predecessors are passed on to the next generation, along with the value created by the innovative technologies and ideas that our generation will be able to achieve. Shibaura Institute of Technology will continue to support the activities of the Japan
Automotive Hall of Fame.
I sincerely pray for further development of the Japan Automotive Hall of Fame.

Takeo Suzumi
Shibaura Institute of Technology
Chairman of the Board of Directors

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