トップページ日本自動車殿堂に寄せて変革期を迎えた自動車史 トヨタ自動車株式会社 社会貢献推進部 企業・車文化室 室長 兼 トヨタ博物館 館長 兼 富士モータースポーツミュージアム 館長 布垣 直昭


変革期を迎えた自動車史 トヨタ自動車株式会社 社会貢献推進部 企業・車文化室 室長 兼 トヨタ博物館 館長 兼 富士モータースポーツミュージアム 館長 布垣 直昭



Entering a revolutional period of historical transmission

Currently, our automotive industry and society are entering a transformation period and I think that the historical tradition is being called for change. The history of electric vehicles, disappeared 100 years ago, is rewriting as a resurrection. How do we describe the history of the vehicles with the internal combustion engines? When was the origin of the autonomous vehicle? We need to anticipate the course of the history and select the events to be recorded now. However, the value of the technique for mobility should not be evaluated by the superiority of the technology, but should be told by the impact on the society. In the recording technology, the recording element has changed to CD’s and memory elements from recording discs. However, likewise the significance of invention of the phonograph has not faded, we need to be thoughtfulness about what we should pay attention to for describing our history.
With this meaning I hope the Japan Automotive Hall of Fame will continuously light up the future way.

Naoaki Nunogaki
General Manager
Corporate &Automobile Culture Dept.
Corporate Citizenship Div.
Toyota Automobile Museum
Fuji Motorsports Museum

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